The Ghana Jollof Appeal
By Rita Aikins
What is your favorite food? A Kenyan friend quizzed us last weekend.
The question came as a surprise because our discussion was not about food, but with smiles and chuckles we took turns mentioning our favorite foods.
At the meeting were five Ghanaians, myself included, and one Kenyan called Jay.
Banku with Okro stew topped the list as two of us mentioned it, although with different meat and fish options. Another replied; “akple with ademe and adode has been my favorite dish ever since I first visited my in-laws in the Volta region.”
The fourth person replied that hers is green soup made with taro leaves, widely known in Ghana as kontomire, with fufu and snails. The last Ghanaian mentioned the ever-reigning Jollof rice.
“Alas!” Jay retorted amidst laughter. “I’ve been expecting to hear Ghana Jollof all this while.”
We all laughed hysterically.
He continued, “why is Ghana Jollof the favorite of a select few?”
Confusion must have flooded my face because he went on to explain that the reason for his expectation was that Ghanaians bragged about Jollof on the internet every day.
More laughter filled the room. So here we are now, owing to a wasted expectation.
In the spirit of the Ghana month, allow me to pick your brain on Jay’s concern as we appeal for Ghana Jollof.
Is Ghana Jollof your favorite? Let’s hear your reasons in the comments.
If you’re not a Ghanaian, do you have the same concerns as our Kenyan friend, Jay?